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Shortcut and Command Keys

Shortcut Keys

Control Windows Mac Description Menu Location
Attack, Quick Q Repeats most recent attack made by selected creature. Context menu
Attack A Selected creature makes an attack. Context menu
Core Dice, Toggle Ctrl + D Toggles the Core Dice Window show/hide.
d20Pro Menu Displays the d20Pro Main Menu.
Game Log, Toggle Ctrl + G Toggles the Game Log Window show/hide.
Game Tools, Toggle Ctrl + T Toggles the Game Tools Window show/hide.
Grid, Toggle ALT + G Toggles map grid on/off.
Help F1 Opens a web browser and displays d20Pro User Guide. mouse scroll
Mini, Toggle Ctrl + I Toggles the Mini Window show/hide.
Options, Toggle Ctrl + O Toggles the Options Window show/hide.
Pickup Item P Selected creature picks up an adjacent item. Context menu
Roster, Toggle Ctrl + R Toggles the Roster Window show/hide.
Rotate Facing, Left [ Rotates creature's image or pointer arrow 45 degrees counter-clockwise. Context menu
Rotate Facing, Right ] Rotates creature's image or pointer arrow 45 degrees clockwise. Context menu
Ruler, Toggle Alt + R Toggles the Ruler tool.
Save, Fortitude F Selected creature makes a fortitude save, results in Game Log. Context menu
Save, Reflex R Selected creature makes a reflex save, results in Game Log. Context menu
Save, Will W Selected creature makes a will save, results in Game Log. Context menu
Skill 1, custom , (comma) Selected creature makes a skill check as defined in Options. Context menu
Skill 2, custom . (period) Selected creature makes a skill check as defined in Options. Context menu
Skill 3,custom / (slash) Selected creature makes a skill check as defined in Options. Context menu
Skill, Menu K Opens creature's Skill list. Context menu
Spell, Menu S Opens creature's Spell list. Context menu
Talk As T Opens window for in-character dialogue (tracked in Game Log). Context menu
Turn, Charge Charge opponent using 3.X or Pathfinder rules. Applies +2 to hit and imposes a -2 to AC until the beginning of creature's next turn.
Turn, Delay Delay. Tell Judge when ready to act, then the Judge will select your creature and change your initiative to Go Now.
Turn, End [Space Bar] Ends creature's turn during active combat.
Turn, Ready an Action Ready an action. Tell Judge when ready to act, then the Judge will select your creature and change your initiative to Go Now.
View E Opens selected creature's character sheet. Context menu
Zoom, IN = Zooms the image closer. Makes things appear bigger on the screen. mouse scroll
Zoom, OUT - Zooms the image away. Makes things appear smaller on the screen. mouse scroll

Judge Controls And Shortcuts

Control Windows Mac Description Menu Location
Open Guide F1 Guide
Broadcast, Sync & Center F2 Broadcast Game and Map (sync center and zoom)
Broadcast Game/Map F3 Broadcast Game and Map (does not sync center and zoom)
Pause F4 Pause Updates
GM FOW F5 Fog of War mode
GM Tile F6 Tile Mode
Fit DPI F7 Zoom to 1" scale
Fullscreen F8 Fullscreen mode
Quick Save GM F9 Quick Save Campaign
Save Map GM F10 Quick Save Map
Close & Save Map GM F11 Close and Save Map
Active Effects, Toggle Ctrl + E Toggles the Active Effects Window show/hide.
Clone C Makes a duplicate of the selected creature(s). Context menu
Combat Mode, Toggle Ctrl + F Toggles the combat mode free/initiative.
Damage D Damages selected creature. Context menu
Destroy [Delete] Destroys selected creature(s) from the map. Context menu
Downloads, Marketplace Ctrl + M Opens the Content Marketplace.
Draw Tools, Toggle Ctrl + A Toggles the Draw Tools Window show/hide.
Edit E Opens selected creature's character sheet. Context menu
Effect X Applies an effect to selected creature(s). Context menu
Elevation, Decrease Ctrl + - Decreases the selected creature(s) elevation by one step (example: 5ft, 2m, or 1). Context menu
Elevation, Increase Ctrl + = Increases the selected creature(s) elevation by one step (example: 5ft, 2m, or 1). Context menu
Fog of War, Toggle ALT + W Allows Judge to look past the FoW.
Heal H Heals selected creature(s). Context menu
Initiative, Enter I Adds selected creature(s) into initiative order (now in Active Roster). Context menu
Initiative, Go Now G Forces the selected creature to top of initiative order (creature must be Initiative order first). Context menu
Initiative, Leave ALT + I Removes selected creature(s) from Initiative order (now in Passive Roster). Context menu
Initiative, Limbo Ctrl + B Removes selected creature(s) from the map and places it in Limbo. (helpful when closing maps while keeping creature stats up-to-date). Limbo creatures are in the Passive Roster. Context menu
Library, Toggle Ctrl + L Toggles the Library Window show/hide. Context menu
Map, Jump To Alt + (1-9) Jumps to the selected open map. (1-9). Alt + 1 will bring up the first map, Alt + 9 will bring up the ninth map (if available), etc (as listed in the d20Pro Menu).
Owner O (letter) Changes the ownership of selected creature(s) Context menu
Rolls, Toggle Ctrl + / Toggles GM dice results show/hide on the Game Log.
Size, Enlarge Shift + } Increases the selected creature's size and space by one category on the map. Context menu
Size, Reduce Shift + { Reduces the selected creature's size and space by one category. Context menu
Status U Opens an Action Window to apply status icons on the selected creature(s). Context menu
Tiles, Nudge Nudges selected Tile by one square in the direction of the arrow key pressed.
Tiles, Layer, Sink Ctrl + - Sinks selected Tile down by one layer (when Tile is active). Context menu
Tiles, Layer, Raise Ctrl + = Raises selected Tile up by one layer (when Tile is active). Context menu
Tiles, Rotate, Left [ Rotates the selected Tile 90 degrees counter-clockwise. Context menu
Tiles, Rotate, Right ] Rotates the selected Tile 90 degrees clockwise. Context menu
Tiles, Size, H, Decrease Ctrl + ? Decreases the horizontal size of the tile by one square. Context menu
Tiles, Size, H, Increase Ctrl + ? Increases the horizontal size of the tile by one square. Context menu
Tiles, Size, V, Decrease Ctrl + ? Decreases the vertical size of the tile by one square. Context menu
Tiles, Size, V, Increase Ctrl + ? Increases the vertical size of the tile by one square. Context menu
Visibility V Cycles through 3 Visibility stages (visible, invisible, & dynamic). Context menu
Combat/Free Mode Toggle Alt + F Enters or Exits Combat mode
GM Rolls Toggle Alt + / Show/Hide GM rolls in the game log.

Game Log Shortcuts

Command Control Description
Help /help or /? Will display the help file regarding all the commands and their use.
Tell /tell or /t Will send a private message to the player who you specify in the command. (/tell player1 make a perception check). You can also private message multiple players by entering each player screen name in quotes seperated by a comma. (/tell "player1, player2, player3" pass the cheetos! )
Dice Roll /roll Will roll the specified quantity of dice with the specified sides and add or subtract a specified number. (/roll 15d7+4 ) Result would be something like this "Player 1 rolls a 15d7+4 for a 65 => 5 2 1 2 7 7 6 5 1 7 4 5 1 4 4.".
Time /time Displays the current game time.
New Round /newRound Increments game time by X rounds. Example: /newRound 6
New Minute /newMin Increments game time by X minutes. Example: /newMin 15
New Hour /newHour Increments game time by X hours. Example: /newHour 2
New Day /newDay Increments game time by X days. Example: /newDay 10
Snuff /snuff Immediately destroys the listed Creatures by UIN/ID#. Warning there is no confrmation. Example: /snuff 4 /snuff 4,6,9 /snuff 7-10
My IP /myip Displays your public IP and private IP addresses.
Commands list /commands Displays all installed commands.