
Community Development Group.
The 'Community Development Group' is a group of D20PRO users who volunteer to assist the D20PRO team in creating content for the virtual tabletop software.
- Motivations to be in this group:
- You're a very creative person.
- You want to run product X for your group, but do not want to do all the work from scratch.
- You want to learn how the designers do things.
- The advantages of being in this group are:
- You get your name listed in the product credits.
- You get to excersize your creative side.
- You get a D20PRO release version of the product you work on.
Becoming a member
Users wishing to help build products and/or do data entry will need to sign an NDA.
- Fill out the questionnaire Google Form.
- Request an NDA from D20PRO support.
- Fill in and sign the NDA via Adobe Verisign.
- Keep a copy of the NDA for your records.
- Arrange a VOIP meeting interview (not formal) on Discord.
- This should be set between M-F 9am-5pm CST.
Skill Sets
You should be basicaly familier with and have access to the following things. For details on these please see our Utilities page.
- D20PRO (latest build with a full GM Licence): You should be comfortable (at least conceptually) with all facits of the application.
- We do not mind assisting you in learning the application, however you should know your way around the basics in the application and have a full GM Licence.
- Photoshop and/or GIMP: basic image manipulation abilities.
- Notepad++ and/or Brackets: basic understanding of plain text document format.
- Acrobat or other PDF viewer: have some form of PDF file viewer.
- Markdown Syntax (Documentation): If you are in the D20PRO Guide Documentation group, you will need to understand markdown as to how it relates to working with MKDocs.
Task Assignment
- You will generally work in small groups.
- Please make use of the Discord Channel (CDG) for communicating with each other if need be.
- Please keep direct messaging to a minimum, rather use the normal discord channel for most all things. This allows others who may have the same question to get the answer and the same information is covered by the group as a whole.
- Small groups will be overseen by one of the staff members.
- Tasks will have dealines
- If you are not sure how to do something, ask within your task group.
- If you are still not sure, ask a staff member.
- It is far better to wait for an answer, than to have to redo work.
- Please -do not- post outside of the group Discord channel about projects.
- We often receive items pre-release or have other reasons for wanting work on a project to not be public knowledge.