Features Library

Rules Library -> Feature.
Feature Library -- The feature library contains the mechanics aspects of doing things, from spells to effects.
Menu Controls
Edit Button Edits the selected item.
Enable Select Box Toggles if the feature is enabled or disabled.
Create Creates a new feature on the list titled "Feature #" it will be disabled by default.
Enable/Disable Allows for enabling or disabling features via multi select (Shift/Control + Click).
Import/Export Allows for importing or Exporting features as standard XML files. This is handy for multiple campaigns.
Copy Makes a copy of the currently highlighted feature.
Delete Deletes the currently highlighted feature.
Be extremely carefull deleting features, once something is removed there is no getting it back.
Feature Items

Feature Details.
A feature has three parts, description, flow and notes.
This ia a rich text field and can contain any information you wish. Most often it is a direct copy of the item straight from it's parent source.

Feature Details: Flow.
The flow mechanics are where the automation and mechanics for a thing come into play and take shape. Please see Rules Library: Flow.
This is a rich text field and can contain any information you wish. Most often it is where the GM would place house rule information or relevant sources on a given item.