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Flow Information

Flow Editor -> Basics.
The above is the most basic lay out of the flow mechanism. This is the default state of the flow editor.
Root Feature, Trait, Spell

Flow Editor -> Root.
- Name: The name of the flow.
- Publisher: Publishers name for the thing.
- Cost: The cost in charges or units for the thing.
- Level: The level number for the thing.
- Action Word: Used for description in the Game Log.
- Type: Defines the things type (Feature or Spell).

Flow Editor -> Effect.
- Trigger: Defines how the triggering mechanic.
- See Conditionals below.
- Cancel Condition:
- See Conditionals below.
- Execution Delay:
- See Conditionals below.
- Roll each time: If the effect has a mulitplier, roll dice each time the effect is multiplied.
- Positive: Forces effect to be positive rather than negative number effect. I.E. Heal points rather than do harm.
- Apply Immediately: Fires immediately within the turn.
- Apply on saved: Apply effect when target saves.
- Cancel on saved: Cancel effect when target saves.
- Target caster: Target the caster by default.
Conditionals * None: * On Target: Fire on the targets turn. * On Caster: Fire on the casters turn. * On Stay: Fire if target remains in effected area. * On Exit: Fire on exit of effected area. * On Enter: Fire on entering effected area. * On Cancel: Fire on cancel/end to effected area.
Modify Target

Flow Editor->Effect: Modify Target.
- Mod Group: Effect applies to stat or character mechanic.
- AC: Armor Class
- Ability: An ability score.
- Attack Bonus: Attack Bonus.
- DR: Damage reduction type.
- ER: Energy Resistance type.
- HP: Hit Points of character.
- Inert: is inert and has no effect.
- Saving Throw: A saving throw of the character.
- Skill Misc: A misc skill bonus.
- Skill Rank: A skills Rank score.
- Speed: The characters speed number.
- Mod Target:
- Sub List Sublist of applicable forms.
- Mod Type: Various damage types dependant on game system.
- Sub List Sublist of applicable forms.
- Input Field: for basic scripting input. Please see Game Management->Rules Library: Flow Input Field for details on this.
Save Type

Flow Editor->Effect: Save Type.
- None: Default value.
- Primary: Primary save type of target is used.
- Secondary: Secondary save type of the target is used.
- Attack: Attack resolution dependant.
Multiply Effect

Flow Editor->Effect: Multiply Effect.
- Apply Type: The mechanism of the form of multiplier.
- Repeat: Repeated sequence.
- Multiply:
- Classes: Applicable classes to apply Multiplier/Repeat.
- Stack Levels:
- Use Feature Level: Uses the Feature Level instead of the creature/caster level.
- Value Per Level: Multiplier or Repeat value.
- Appy At Level: Levels with which to apply Multiplier/Repeat.

Flow Editor->Effect: Status.
- Select List: Selects Status marker to apply to the tonekn/creature. For details on Status markers, please see Custom Data: Status.zip.
Execute Script

Flow Editor->Effect: Execute Script.
- Opens Script Editor to write and define a specific script.
Features To Run

Flow Editor->Effect: Features To Run.
- Run for repeated:
- Dialog: Opens the Feature selection dialog.
Log Entry

Flow Editor->Effect: Log Entry.
- Field Entry: text entry field for Game Log output.

Flow Editor->Effect: Description.
- Field Entry: Description of Effect.
Map Template

Flow Editor -> Map Template.
- Type: Various template types (Burst, Cone, Line).
- Size: Size X (length) selection in feet or meters.
- Size: Size Y (width) selection in feet or meters.
- Visible Toggle: Toggles Visible/Invisible to players.
- Duration Toggle: Duration definition persistence.
- Count: Number of templates to place.
Color Node
- Color selector:
- Custom Color: Please see Color Picker for details on this.
Duration Node

Flow Editor -> Duration.
- Type:
- Instant: Happens immediately.
- Rounds: Happens for a number of rounds based on Combat Mode and Roster. Please see Combat Mode for details on this.
- Minutes: Happens for a number of Minutes based on the Game Clock. Please see Game Time for details on this.
- Hours: Happens for a number of Hours based on the Game Clock. Please see Game Time for details on this.
- Days: Happens for a number of Days based on the Game Clock. Please see Game Time for details on this.
- Infinite: Happens untill canceled.
Value Node
- Imput Field: Please see Game Management->Rules Library: Flow Input Field for details on this.
Save/Attack Node

Flow Editor -> Save/Attack.
- Type:
- Primary: Primary Save.
- Secondary: Secondary Save.
- Attack: Attack based save.
- Throw: Target number for save success.
- Result:
- Negates: A successful save negates effects.
- Half: A successful save reduces effect by half.
Value Node Node
- Imput Field: Please see Game Management->Rules Library: Flow Input Field for details on this.
Creature Attack Node

Flow Editor -> Creature Attack.
- To Hit: To Hit modifier for the Attack.
- Name: Name of the Attack.
- Crit: Critical Range
- Type: Type of attack.
- Vs: What the attack targets.
- Cascade:
- Secondary Attacks: whether multiple attacks are allowed.
- Single Attack: Single attack, no multiple attacks allowed.
- Style: The form of the attack.
Attack Damage Node
- Type: The type of damage to be applied.
- Dice: The value of the damage to be applied.
Features To Run Node

Flow Editor -> Features To Run.
- Run for repeated: if the effect is multiplied/repeated run these Features for each instance of the multiplied/Repeated effect.
- Dialog: Opens the Feature selection dialog.
Log Entry Node

Flow Editor -> Log Entry.
- Input Field: Please see Game Management->Rules Library: Flow Input Field for details on this.
Description Node

Flow Editor -> Description.
- Input Field: Please see Game Management->Rules Library: Flow Input Field for details on this.