Core Dice

Core Dice Example
Clicking on the "+/-" button will allow you to change the quantity of dice rolled and the attached modifier for the dice roll. Simply enter in the appropriate number in each field using the keyboard numeric keys, using the mouse scroll wheel, or clicking on the small up/down arrows to change the number. After the number of dice and the proper modifier is entered click on the appropriate die and the result will be sent to the Game Log as well as the dice log in the bottom of the Core Dice window.
Custom Die Rolls
Clicking on the Custom Dice Bag will pull up the Custom Dice window.
+ Adds an entry into the Custom Dice. Simply create a name and enter the random roll you wish to assign. You may enter any number of dice with any number of sides with any modifier.
x Deletes a Custom Dice entry when you select a line and press the "x" button.
Color-wheel Allows you to change the color of all your dice.